Part 3 Tawakkol Karman

The was the first Arab woman to win a nobel peace prize.
she helped found Women Journalists Without Chains, an organization that released annual reports on press freedom in Yemen. She also joined the Islah, Yemen's conservative Islamist opposition party. Her activism earned her the enmity of the government of President Ali Abdullah Saleh, which harassed and jailed her more than once. During the "Arab Spring" of 2010 and 2011, as activists were fighting entrenched rulers in countries like Egypt and Tunisia, Karman began leading Yemeni protests against the rule of President Saleh. Her floral headdress, unusual in a country more used to women in conservative black chadors, became her trademark, and though she was only 32 she earned the nickname of "Mother of the Revolution." She was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in October of 2011. The next month, President Saleh agreed to step down after 33 years as president, although he did not immediately move to give up power.. 

haggadah Section: -- Exodus Story