We have answered the four traditional questions, but there are still more questions to be answered. There are other special foods on our Seder plate: a sweet condiment called haroset , a roasted lamb's bone, a roasted egg, olives and an orange. Why are they here?

The haroset's color is similar to the color of clay or mortar. It reminds us of the bricks and mortar used by the Israelites when they built the Pharaohs' palaces and cities. Let us now all eat haroset on a piece of m atzah.

[Eat haroset on matzah]

The shank bone reminds us that the blood of the lamb marked the Israelites’ doors.

The egg symbolizes new life and reminds us of the fragility and interdependence of all life.

Olives remind us to hope for peace in our lives and in the world.

The orange on the Seder plate is a symbol that life should be inclusive, not exclusive.

haggadah Section: Koreich