Although Miriam, a prophet and the sister of Moses, is never mentioned in the traditional Haggadah text, she is one of the central figures in the Exodus story.

As Moses' sister, Miriam protected him as an infant and made sure he was safely received by Pharaoh's daughter.  Some seders highlight this moment by invoking her name at the start of the  Maggid  section when we begin telling the Passover story.

Miriam has long been associated with water.  The rabbis attribute to Miriam the well that traveled with the Israelites throughout their wandering in the desert.  In the Book of Numbers, the well dries up immediately following Miriam's death. “Miriam’s Well,” as it became known—a rolling rock that accompanied the Jewish people on their wanderings—provided fresh water in the desert, not only for the people but also for their cattle and sheep. It also made the desert bloom with green pastures and beautifully scented flowers. Small wonder the people loved and respected this wise, G d-fearing and saintly prophetess.

haggadah Section: -- Ten Plagues