Haggadah Feeling

Haggadah feeling - That tonight’s gonna be-e different

Tonight’s going to be so different

Yeah Tonight’s gonna be a different night.

   Tonight’s the night

   Let’s drink four cups

   We got some Matzot

   We’ll break it up

   We once were slaves

   Not any mo’

   We said to Pharaoh

   You let us...go

I hope that you ate before

Cuz it will be hours until you have more

We’ll sing, and we’ll pray, and tell stories galore

Elijah is coming, so open the door

    Fill up my cup


    Aint got no bread here

    To soak it up

    We’re feeling dizzy

    So let’s recline

    And ask some questions?

    Then drink a little more wine!!!

It’s pesach, it’s pesach

Haggadah feeling…..pesach


Hello family!

This year Mom and Dad have given us permission to run a little wild with Passover  - they have karpas’d the torch, if you will. And while you might think you’ve die-yenued and gone to leaven, let us assure you, we are not a bunch of Eli-yahoo’s here. So let us charoset the table, and answer me this: Can we make Seder great again? (not that it wasn’t before, everyone...)


One of the ways we wanted to make this years Seder fun is by encouraging questions. So if you ask a question tonight: Shannon will throw you a M&M. If you ask a question that no one at the table knows the answer to, and we have to ask Siri - you get what everyone wants - a pre- Shulchan Orech snack of your choice. You will also get an M&M for participating in trivia throughout the night. Now you can eat your M&M’s if you choose, BUT we would encourage you to save them. At the end, as we ALL hunt for the hidden Afikoman, the people with the most M&M’s get a head start.


Let’s take a look at this beautiful Seder plate, and begin with a little trivia.

  • This is the Shank bone. In hebrew it’s name is _______________. It symbolizes  the animal sacrifice in the temple. 

  • Next is the hard boiled egg, or the ___________. It also appears to symbolize the ritual animal sacrifice in the temple, and also the roundness of the egg can symbolize the cycle of life.

  • Next we have a green vegetable, also called ___________. It symbolizes the freshness of spring.

  • Then we have the Charoset, which symbolizes ___________________. Fun Fact: We learned that apples are included as a nod to the Midrashic tradition that the Israelite women would go into the fields and seduce their husbands under the apple trees in defiance of the Egyptian attempts to prevent reproduction by separating Jewish men and women.

  • Next up we have Maror, or bitter herbs, representing  _______________.

  • We have opted to put an orange on our seder plate too. Originally the orange was placed in honour of women, after a crotchety old man once said “women belong on the bima, like an orange belongs on the seder plate.” We use it now in recognition of not just women, but also LGBTQ2+, and other marginalized Jewish people The orange acts as a reminder that inclusivity is an important part of the Jewish community, and our community.

  • We also have our three pieces of matzot and salt water to symbolize the tears of our people.

  • Does anyone know why some Jewish people include Olives, Pine-cones, or Artichokes as additions to their Seder plates?

Excellent - Does anyone have any questions?

Let's light the candles!

ברוך אתה א-דני א-להינו מלך העולם, אשר קדשנו במצותיו, וצונו להדליק נר של יום טוב

Ba-ruch a-tah Ado-nai    E-lo-hei-nu me-lech ha-olam    a-sher keed-sha-nu be-mitz-vo-tav   ve-tzi-va-nu   le-had-lik ner     shel Yom Tov.

haggadah Section: Introduction