What else is on the Seder Plate?

Z'Roah: A roasted bone. This reminds us of the Pesach offering we used to bring in the Holy Temple in Jerusalem. Tonight we are using a roasted beet, which is an acceptable vegetarian substitute for the shankbone, and frankly easier to track down than a shankbone. In the Talmud, Tractate Pesachim 114b, Rabbi Huna is quoted as saying "beets and rice" can be used for the two cooked foods on the Seder plate.

Beitzah: A hard-boiled or roasted egg. This reminds us of the festival offering which was brought to the Holy Temple on Pesach.

Chazaret: Romaine Lettuce. This is the second portion of bitter herbs which we eat during the Seder.

haggadah Section: Koreich