Kadesh—Reciting Kiddush

U’Rechatz—Washing the hands

Karpas—Eating a vegetable dipped in salt-water

Yachatz—Breaking the middle matzah

Maggid—Reciting the Haggadah

Rachtzah—Washing the hands a second time

Motzi—Reciting the blessing HaMotzi

Matzah—Reciting the blessing al achilas matzah and eating the matzah

Maror—Eating the bitter herbs

Korech—Eating a sandwich of matzah and bitter herbs

Shulchan Orech—Eating the festive meal

Tzafun—Eating the afikoman

Beirach—Reciting grace

Hallel Nirtzah—Reciting Hallel, psalms of praise; the promise that G‑d will accept our service

The list of the indicators of the order of the Seder includes 15 words. (Nirtzah is not counted, for it does not involve any activity on our part). Fifteen is numerically equivalent to G‑d’s name י-ה, which the sages of the Kabbalah associate with the Sefiros of Chochmah and Binah (wisdom and understanding).

haggadah Section: Introduction
Source: Chabad