Twas the night before Pesach and all through the town
Folks were so eager to be done with lockdown.
If we all play it safe and mask up our faces
Soon we'll be free to go out other places.
"Hashem", I cried out, "I've observed quarantine,
But tell me, when will I get my vaccine?
My social life currently looks so very stark,
Though I'm pretty caught up on all things Hallmark..."
Then came a great voice "Just trust in the science!
Listen to Fauci and show your compliance!
Wait for your turn and your shot will go fine,
But until then you'll have to do Seder online."
So let's all suck it up for a little bit longer
And let that herd immunity get a little bit stronger.
While the past 12 months were the suckiest ever,
Next year we'll celebrate Pesach together!
My brisket is is done, waiting for matzo balls,
Chag same'ach my friends, and gut yontiff to all!

haggadah Section: Introduction