Maror or bitter herb symbolizes the harshness of lives of the Jews in Egypt.

Charoset resembles the mortar used as bricks of the many buildings the Jewish slaves built in Egypt

Karpas, a green or spring vegetable, is a reminder of the green sprouting up all around us during spring and is used to dip into the saltwater

Zeroah, a  roasted bone or beet, symbolizes the sacrifice made at the great temple on Passover 

Beitzah, the egg, symbolizes another holiday offering that was brought to the temple. 

Orange or grapefruit representing equality and freedom for sexes and gender identities. The story goes that “a woman belongs on the bimah like an orange belongs on the seder plate.” 

Fruit salad representing the variety of identities within our community.  

Fair-trade chocolate represents the people who are still enslaved and forced into labor to create many of our luxuries. 

Olives remind us that not only are we not free until everyone is free, but we are not free until there is peace in our homes, in our community and in our world.

Artichoke, which has thistles protecting its heart, is like the Jewish people, who have been thorny about this question of interfaith marriage. Let this artichoke on the seder plate tonight stand for the wisdom of God's creation in making the Jewish people a population able to absorb many elements and cultures throughout the centuries--yet still remain Jewish. 

Matzah is the unleavened bread we eat to remember that when the jews fled Egypt, they didn’t even have time to let the dough rise on their bread. We commemorate this by removing all bread and bread products from our home during Passover.

Elijah’s Cup is filled with wine for the prophet, who according to tradition, will arrive one day as an unknown guest to herald the advent of the Messiah and a better future.. 

Miriam’s Cup is filled with water to honor the prophetess for the well of water that followed her when the Israelites wandered the desert after leaving Egypt. This cup honors the spirit of all women, who nurture their families just as Miriam helped sustain the Israelites.

haggadah Section: Introduction