The central mitzvah/Commandment of the Seder is to tell the story of leaving Egypt. Our Sages term the telling of the story, in Hebrew, Sippur Yetziat Mitzrayim, “the story of the Exodus from Egypt.” Rabbi Yoseph Soloveitchik of blessed memoryteaches that the term sippur, story, is related to the word sofer, “scribe,” or sefer, which means a “scroll” or a “book.” A scribe, who writes a sefer, a scroll, produces something that is permanent, something that will last for generations. On Seder night, weare also involved in the act of “writing an everlasting scroll.” The childrenare the books, the scroll upon which the parent etches the beauty of this sacred night in the child’s mind. Tonight we are to be scribes, writing indelibly on the hearts and on the minds of our children the story that will be passed down to all succeeding generations. Moses was called a "great scribe." Why was this term used to describe Moses? Moses wrote upon the hearts of the people. He etched the wisdom of the Torah into the very soul of the nation in a way that each generation would pass it on to the next. This is also our goal tonight: to impart the Torah onto our very souls and those of our children

haggadah Section: Introduction
Source: Rabbi Yosef Soloveitchik