Oh, On This Night
(sung to the tune of Oh What A Night - The Four Seasons)
(by Gary Teblum)

Oh, on this night
Things are different because we’re free
Why a change from what we normally see
We ask questions ‘bout this night

Oh, on this night,
We can only eat unleavened bread
Other nights, it’s either way we’re fed
Yes it’s matzah on this night

On other nights,
Every single type of herb is fine
But tonight, on bitter herbs we dine
Why restricted, on this night

We ask these questions as a kinder full of wonder
We’re singing the ma nistanah and so hoping not to blunder

Oh, on this night,
We dip twice as the Haggadah calls
Other nights, we may not dip at all
It’s two dippings on this night

On other nights,
We sit or we can recline to eat
But tonight, we just recline our seat
Why restricted, on this night

We ask these questions as a kinder full of wonder
We’re singing the ma nistanah and so hoping not to blunder.

Oh, on this night.

haggadah Section: -- Four Questions