"Not Through an Angel" - Freedom is Calling from Whithin - Batel

Many times in your lives, especially in hard times when you don't know what to do and you want people to help you, or more likely to fix your problems for you cause you're lost and trying to find a way out, you forget that the only person that can actually change the situation and make it better is you. And in times like this you need to believe. To believe in hahsem but most importantly to believe in yourself. To believe that you and only you have the power to make your life better.

You need to remember how blessed you are to have your family and friends around you to give you advices and help you find the right way, but you need to remember that in the end it's all up to you and no one can change it for you. Your only partner here is hashem who gives you strength and guidance to make the choices that will make your life all a lot better.

And this is exactly what the haggada tries to teach us about finding freedom when it writes, "God took us out of Egypt. Not through an angel, not through a saraf and not through a messenger, but it was God Himself".

I wish as all to believe in ourselves and to find the way with HaShem's help and guidance.

I love you beyond, Batel

haggadah Section: Maggid - Beginning