
Nation shall not lift up sword against nation

Neither shall they learn war any more.

And each ‘neath their vine and fig tree,

Shall live in peace, unafraid.


Chasal siddur Pesach k’hilchato

K’chol mishpato v’chukato

Ka’asher zachinu  l’sader oto

Ken nizkeh la’asoto

Zach schochen m’onah

Komem k’hal adat mi manah

B’karov nahel nitei chanah

P’duyim l’Zion b’rina


May our service be acceptable to You

Adonai our God

And may we be granted the blessing

Of celebrating Pesach for many years to come

Pure and Holy One, dwelling on high,

Raise up your people with love

And lead us to Zion in joyful song.


L’shana Haba’ah b’Y’rushalayim!

Next year in... each other’s houses!?

haggadah Section: Nirtzah