In the words of the Ramban (Rabbi Moshe Ben Nachman, 1194-1270), “Since God will
not perform this sign or miracle in every generation to refute the evil sinner or rebel, we
are commanded to make a continuous remembrance and sign to that which our eyes
have seen, and to impart it to our children and children's children... to the last
From the order of the service, to the symbolic Seder plate, to the ritual retelling of
the flight from Egypt, to the taste of the foods, the sounds of the prayers and songs on
our lips and in our ears –the Seder sets the stage for active remembering that is
embedded in the consciousness of every Jew not only on this day but every day.
Tonight, our guests have brought the stories of their immigration and their struggle to
the Seder table.
Let all that we have seen and heard and tasted and shared stay with us until we meet
again next year.
And, as we place ourselves in the role of the Stranger and the outsider, let us pledge
not only to remember but to remedy…
Our Seder is now completed, but our work is not. This year, we celebrate
Passover in a city and a world in which many are still oppressed. L’SHANA
HA’BA’A B’YERUSHALAYIM – next year in Jerusalem!

Next year, may we celebrate Passover in
a world that is more just and righteous!

haggadah Section: Nirtzah
Source: Jewish Council on Urban Affairs Justice and Freedom Seder 2012