A Prayer for Healing

Leader continues:

Will someone sing a prayer of healing?

A new person sings:

Mi Shebeirach avoteinu

M'kor habracha


May the source of strength who blessed the ones before us

Help us find the courage to make our lives a blessing and

Let us say, amen.

Me Shebeirach imoteinu, m'kor habracha l'avoteinu

Bless those in need of healing with r'fua sh'leima,

The renewal of body, the renewal of spirit, and

Let us say, amen.


Leader reads:

We have come to the end of our seder. We hope to have the opportunity in the years to come to continue telling this story of freedom with our loved ones. We pray this coming year brings health and healing, joy and liberation, gratitude and wonder to all the people of the world. The seder traditionally concludes with the hope that we spend the next one in Jerusalem; let us also hope for a world of peace. 

Everyone, please unmute now.

Wait for everyone to unmute.

Everyone together:

L’shana haba-ah biy’rushalayim! 


haggadah Section: Nirtzah