כאשר זכינו לסדר אותו כן נזכה לעשותו. זך שוכן מעונה, קומם קהל עדת מי מנה. בקרוב נהל נטעי כנה פדוים לציון ברנה. לשנה הבאה בירושלים! '

Hahsahl Siddur Pessach Kehilchato, Kechol mishpatoh vehukatoh. Ka'asher zachinu lesahder otoh ken nizkeh La'asoto Zach shochen meunah. Komehm Kahal me mahnah Bekarov Nachel Nitey Kahnah Peduyim Letsiyon Berinah Le shana Haba'ah Beyerushalayim!

The Seder is ended according to its proper form, in all its regulations and laws, As we were privileged to arrange it, may we be privileged to perform it. Pure one dwelling on high, raise up the countless congregation, in the near future lead the offshoots of your vineyard redeemed to Zion in joy. Next year in Jerusalem!

WHAT is next year in Jerusalem? Most people assume it means next year WE will be in Jerusalem. But could it be something bigger than us? 

Yerushalayim has the dual Hebrew form that denotes the things which come in pairs. Spiritually, there is be a duality between Yerushalayim shel Mata - the concrete, mundane city - and Yerushalayim shel Ma'ala - the Heavenly, "imagical", Jerusalem.

However, the name of Jerusalem in the Hebrew Bible is not Yerushalayim but Yerushalem, which is not a dual but a unitary form. In fact, "shalem" means just that - "whole". Shalem is also the first name by which Jerusalem is mentioned in the Hebrew Bible, in connection with Abraham and his welcome to the place by King Malchitzedek, the "king of Justice", the priest of the Heavenly God. From the first mention, Jerusalem is associated with wholeness, justice, priest of Heaven - and all these were promised not just to Jews, but to Abraham and his children.

Next year in Jerusalem! Next year in solidarity, unity and completeness!

haggadah Section: Nirtzah
Source: Leah Tillmann-Morris