For discussion:

Ask a few children (or adults!) what they feel is the most important difference between the Seder and all other nights.

Ask several of your guests to share a question that he or she feels is particularly important to discuss at the Seder this year.

According to the Talmud, if a man has neither children nor a wife, he must ask himself questions. Why are questions so important at the Seder?

Originally, children were expected to ask their own spontaneous questions at the Seder. What’s your reaction to the fact that reciting the beloved Four Questions replaced the earlier approach?

MODERN REFLECTIONS | Read aloud and discuss as desired.

For ten years, they beat me every morning. They made me sleep with the animals, and they gave me very bad food. They said I was an animal… But every day I prayed to God. One day, I asked my master a question: “Why do you call me ‘abeed’? [Related to eved, the Hebrew word for slave.] And why do you feed me bad food all the time and make me sleep with the animals? Is it because I am black?” My master was very angry. “Where did you learn to ask this question?” he said. “Never ask me this again.” And he beat me and beat me. When I was 17, decided to escape. I would rather die than be a slave.

—Francis Bok, a former slave in Sudan who escaped in 1999

haggadah Section: -- Four Questions
Source: David Arnow, New Israel Fund 2006