As the tradition says, this year we celebrate here, but the next year we hope to celebrate in the land of Israel. And as another tradition says, “Ubi libertas, ibi patria”—where there is liberty, that is my country. That is my Israel. For were we sitting tonight in Jerusalem, we should still say, “Next year in Jerusalem, next year in the city of peace.” For this year, not only we here but all men are slaves, next year we hope that all men shall be free. This year, not only here but all women live in a city at war and in agony; next year we hope that all women may live in cities at peace. This year, all humankind eats as aliens in a land not wholly theirs; next year we hope all humankind will celebrate “in the land of Israel”—that is, in a world made one and a world made free, a world where all can wrestle with God. 

haggadah Section: -- Four Questions