Traditionally, at the end of Seder, Jews say “l’shanah haba-ah b’yerushalayim:” “next year in Jerusalem.” But in awareness of how this metaphor of freedom has been misused, and ignores the reality of the displacement of Palestinians from their homeland, we call for peace and justice in Palestine and all over the world and end by saying, “l’shanah haba-ah b’cheroot: next year in freedom.”

This year we are slaves. Next year, free people. This year we live in a world at war with itself, a world in agony; next year may we celebrate in a world at peace, a just world.

This year Palestinians are refugees. Next year all Palestinians will have the right to return to their home lands and to Jerusalem!

Lo yisa goy

All sing together:

Lo yisa goy el goy kherev

Lo yilmedu od milkhama.

Nation shall not lift up sword against nation.

Neither shall they learn war any more.

And each ‘neath their vine and fig tree,

Shall live in peace and unafraid.

haggadah Section: Nirtzah