Tonight we will celebrate the rule breakers in the Torah  This is a cup of milk (non-dairy) to symbolize the nurturing rule-breaking women in our story wh are often overlooked.  Without their courage and sense of justice, our story would be very different.  We are using milk as it is a child's first food and these women nurtured our ancestors.

Shifra and Puah : These two midwives were respected members of their community. Despite risk of punishment, they defied the Pharaoh’s orders and continued to help deliver baby boys for Jewish women in Egypt.

Yocheved : Having gone into labor early, Yocheved kept her secret from the Egyptians, saving Moses’ life. She then made the ultimate mother’s sacrifice by sending him down the river–her only hope in saving him from otherwise certain death. Now there’s a birth story to remember.

Batya : Pharaoh’s daughter Batya found Moses in the reeds of the Nile and decided to raise him as her own, knowingly going against her father’s decree to kill all male, Jewish babies. Without her defiance and bravery, our Passover story might have looked very different.

Miriam : One of the most well known women in the Bible, Miriam was the brave young woman who ensured Moses was safe during his journey down the Nile River. She also was the one to bring Yocheved to Batya to be used as a nursemaid, ensuring that mother and son were never far apart. We don’t hear much about Miriam again until the exodus from Egypt, but when we do, it is her strength and song that stick with us,

haggadah Section: Kadesh
Source: Kveller and Faye WW