Rabbi Gamaliel said: One who has not explained the following symbols has not fulfilled their duty:
Pcsach: The lamb shank represents the sacrifices we have made to survive. Before the tenth plague, our
people slaughtered lambs and marked our doors with blood. Because of this marking, the Angel of
Death passed over our homes.

Matzah: We eat malzah to remind us how our ancestors had to leave Egypt without waiting for their
bread to rise.

Maror: The maror, bitter herb or horseradish, represents the bitterness of slavery.

The Egg, symbolizes creative power, our rebirth.

The Parsley, represents the new growth, for we are nourished by our connection to the earth.

The Orange: In the early I 980's while attending a seder at Oberlin College, Susannah Heschel, a
prominent Jewish scholar added an orange to the seder plate symbolizing a new religious tradition that is
inclusive of women, gays, lesbians and others who have been marginalized within the Jewish community.
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haggadah Section: Motzi-Matzah