
God you bring us bread, matzah, and challah galore,

But you just keep providing us more and more ,

You bring bread from the earth, and up from the ground,

There’s not one ounce of thankfulness that’s yet to be found,

You bless us with the gifts that help us sustain life,

You solve hunger and communal strife,

The matzah crackles and crumbles and we all say a blessing,

And all the reasons I could keep expressing,

God we could keep thanking you again and again,

But instead we say a  blessing and amen.

God you bring us bread, matzah, and challah galore,

But you just keep providing us more and more ,

You bring bread from the earth, and up from the ground,

There’s not one ounce of thankfulness that’s yet to be found,

You bless us with the gifts that help us sustain life,

You solve hunger and communal strife,

The matzah crackles and crumbles and we all say a blessing,

And all the reasons I could keep expressing,

God we could keep thanking you again and again,

But instead we say a  blessing and amen.

haggadah Section: Motzi-Matzah