Pharaoh's Daughter Found Jewish Baby Moses and Brought him to the Egyptian Palace to Live

Dismayed and disturbed, the Pharaoh took action against the Israelites. He declared that all sons born to Hebrew women must be killed. But two brave Hebrew midwives, Shifrah and Puah, defied the Pharaoh’s decree. They could not hurt any baby they helped bring into the world. 

Another courageous woman, by the name of Yocheved, also gave birth to a son. She decided to place him in a basket and put the basket in the river Nile, near the place where people came to bathe. Her baby was found by none other than the Pharoah’s daughter, who scooped him up and raised him as her own. She named the baby Moses, meaning “drawn from the water” – and in need of a wet nurse, Pharaoh’s daughter asked, of all people, Moses’ birth mother, Yocheved, to fill the position. Moses grew up well loved in the palace of the Pharaoh.

haggadah Section: -- Exodus Story
Source: "For this they brought us out of Egypt?" Dave Barry, Alan Zweibel, Adam Mansbach+