(By Lia Lehrer and Julia Latash,  "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds")
Picture yourself in a desert in Sinai
With sand in your shoes, and sun in your eyes
Somebody calls you, you answer quite slowly,
A man who's incredibly wise.
Very tall mountains of yellow and brown
Towering over your head
Look for the man with G-d's light in his eyes
and he's gone.
        Moses is the guy we'll follow
        Moses is the guy we'll follow
        Moses is the guy we'll follow
Follow him down to a camp by a mountain
Where thousands of people eat G-d's manna pies.
Everyone smiles as he walks up the mountain
That stands so incredibly high.
Higher and higher he begins to climb
Waiting to get our laws
Climbing us high with his head in the clouds
and he's gone.
        Moses is the guy we'll follow
        Moses is the guy we'll follow
        Moses is the guy we'll follow
Picture yourself waiting down by the mountain
Waiting and waiting, he finally arrives.
Suddenly he's there holding our Commandments
The man who's incredibly wise.
        Moses is the guy we'll follow
        Moses is the guy we'll follow
        Moses is the guy we'll follow
Where thousands of people eat

haggadah Section: Songs
Source: Foundation For Family Education, Inc.