Urchatz is the first handwashing, but given that we're living in the time of COVID, this is more likely the seventeenth time we have washed our hands today. As such, we wanted to make it fun. 

Everyone, please mime washing your hands and if you'd like to sing along at home this is to the tune of "There Can Be Miracles" from Dreamwork's The Prince of Egypt.  

Many nights we wash. 

With no soap, anyone can find. 

Vodka can work just as well

To wash away the germs. 

Now we are not afraid. 

Although we know there's much to fear. 

We were washing hands 

Before CDC said we should, (woah)

There can be miracles,

When hands are washed. 

The soap is scarce. 

We still kill germs. 

Who knows what miracles, 

We can achieve, 

When hands are washed

And knuckles bleed. 

haggadah Section: Urchatz