The Fifth Cup: The Cup of Elijah, the Cup of Activism to Create the Beloved Community

“On the Shabbat just before Passover, we read the last passage of the last of the Prophets, Malachi, who proclaims on behalf of the Breath of Life:

“Before the coming of the great and awesome day when the Breath of Life may become a Hurricane of Change, I will send the Prophet Elijah, to turn the hearts of the parents to the children and the hearts of the children to the parents, lest the earth be utterly destroyed.”

[ The community goes to open a door to the outside, to welcome Elijah, and they say together:]

“As we open our door to the winds and the air of the world, so we open our hearts to the future, to the hearts of our children and their children. We open ourselves, each one of us, to take on the task of Elijah, to heal the world from its suffering. “

(All sing)

Ain't gonna let nobody turn me around Turn me around, turn me around Ain't gonna let nobody turn me around I'm gonna keep on a-walkin', keep on a-talkin' Marchin' up to freedom's land

Ain't gonna let no hatred turn me around Turn me around, turn me around Ain't gonna let no hatred turn me around I'm gonna keep on a-walkin', keep on a-talkin' Marchin' up to freedom's land

Ain't gonna let low wages turn me around Turn me around, turn me around I'm gonna keep on a-walkin', keep on a-talkin' Marchin' up to freedom's land

Ain't gonna let injustice turn me around Turn me around, turn me around Ain't gonna let injustice turn me around I'm gonna keep on a-walkin', keep on a-talkin' Marchin' up to freedom's land

“We join with the Prophet Martin (April 4, 1967) in calling on the Spirit to move us into action:

“A genuine revolution of values means that our loyalties must become ecumenical rather than sectional. This call for a world-wide fellowship that lifts neighborly concern beyond one's tribe, race, class and nation is in reality a call for an all-embracing and unconditional love for all life. Love has now become an absolute necessity for the survival of humanity. We are confronted with the fierce urgency of now.”

[ The Cup of Elijah is passed around and each person pours some wine or grape juice from the Cup of Elijah into her/his own cup.

“Together, we take on the task of Elijah.”

[Each person turns to a neighbor and each tells the other one action s/he pledges to take to bring nearer the Beloved Community.]

[Everyone drinks from her/his own cup, which now includes some of the wine or grape-juice from Elijah’s cup.]

[Sing this translation of Psalm 148 to the tune of “Michael Row the Boat Ashore.”]

Praise God, sun and moon, Hallelu-YAH. 
Praise Yah, you stars of light, Hallelu-YAH. 
Praise God, you high heavens, Hallelu-YAH. 
All that flows in all the world, Hallelu-YAH. Let them all praise God’s Name, Hallelu-YAH. 
For God spoke and they appeared, Hallelu-YAH. 
With God they take their stand, Hallelu-YAH. 
God’s rhythm none must break, Hallelu-YAH.

Praise Yah from the Earth, Hallelu-YAH. 
You sea-monsters and all deeps, Hallelu-YAH. 
Fire, hail, snow, and steam, Hallelu-YAH. 
Stormy wind to do God’s word, Hallelu-YAH.

Mountains high and tiny hills, Hallelu-YAH. 
Trees of fruit and evergreens, Hallelu-YAH. 
Wild beasts and quiet flocks, Hallelu-YAH. 
Creeping bugs and winged birds, Hallelu-YAH.

Men and women, young and old, Hallelu-YAH! High officials and whole peoples, Hallelu-YAH. Every breath whispers Your Name, Hallelu-YAH. Kol ha’n’shama t’hallel YAH, Hallelu-YAH

“I have been to the mountaintop. … I just want to do God’s will. And He’s allowed me to go up to the mountain. And I’ve looked over. And I’ve seen the Promised Land. I may not get there with you. But I want you to know tonight, that we, as a people, will get to the promised land!”

(Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., April 3, 1968)

[All stand, link hands, and sing: “We Shall Overcome”]

haggadah Section: Hallel
Source: Rabbi Arthur Waskow