Look into any great moment in history and there are both men and women responsible.

We look back to Moses, and Miriam, and wait for Elijah.

We give thanks to Miriam, symbol for women everywhere.

It was Miriam, the Prophetess, symbol of all the courageous and worthy women who kept the home fires burning, even when the men became discouraged and despaired of redemption. Who then is more deserving to be "toasted" with wine and saluted for service "above and beyond" than she?

If the Cup of Elijah is one symbolizing hope for future redemption, Miriam's Cup symbolizes redemption realized through the tireless efforts of Israelite women, and women everywhere. Let us honor Miriam for her heroism, and through her, all the brave, capable, devoted, faithful and loyal women of the world who have been, and continue to be, the ongoing source of strength and radical change for peace.

For the sake of our righteous women were our ancestors redeemed from Egypt. L'Chaim!

haggadah Section: Hallel
Source: Jane M.