Miriam's well was said to hold divine power to heal and renew. It's fresh waters sustained our people as we transformed from a generation shaped by slavery into a free nation. Throughout our subsequent journeys, we have sought to rediscover these living waters. Tonight let us remember that we are still on a journey. Just as the Holy One delivered Miriam and her people, just as they were sustained in the desert and transformed into a new people, so may we be delivered, sustained and transformed on our journey to a stronger sense of ourselves, both as individuals and as one people.

זאת כוס מרים כוס מים חיים זכר לציאת מצרים

Zot Kos Miryam, kos mayim hayim. Zeiher litzi’at mitzrayim. 

This is the Cup of Miriam, the cup of living waters. Let us remember the Exodus from Egypt. 

This is the cup of Miriam, the cup of living waters, a reminder of the Exodus from  Egypt. When fear blocks our path, when our travels deplete us, we seek sources of healing and wells of hope. May our questions and our stories nourish us as Miriam’s Well renewed our people’s spirits. 

haggadah Section: Introduction
Source: Adapted from The Ma'yan Passover Haggadah and JWC Women's Seder 5764