Although Miriam, a prophet and the sister of Moses, is never mentioned in the traditional Haggadah text, she is one of the central figures in the Exodus story. Miriam has long been associated with water – she watched over Moses when he was placed in the Nile River. After the Exodus when the Jews were wandering through the desert, legend says that a well of water followed Miriam so the Jews always had water to drink. The tradition of Miriam’s cup is meant to honor Miriam’s role in the story of the Jewish people and the spirit of all women leaders.

You can pass Miriam's Cup around the table - literally or metaphorically -and everyone can add a little bit of water to it from their glass as a way to bring her story, the story of all women, back into the narrative of our history, as well as an expression of our commitment to listen to the voices of women –all women: trans women, Muslim women, young women, old women, women with disabilities, poor women, Latinix women, Asian women, Black women, Native women, Arab women, Jewish women, queer women, Jewish women, multiracial women, undocumented immigrant women, homeless women, incarcerated women, and all those whose voices have gone unheard and whose power will be unleashed.

haggadah Section: Hallel
Source: Adapted from The Refugee Crisis Haggadah by Repair the World and The Morning Call Miriam’s Cup