Near the end of the seder, before we open the door to welcome in Elijah, everyone takes a drop of water from Miriam's cup while saying a wish for what he or she needs in the coming year. Then everyone adds a drop of wine to Elijah's cup, while saying what he or she can give in the coming year.

At the end of this part of the ritual, the leader may say:

Miriam is beginning; Elijah is end. Miriam is present, Elijah is future. Miriam is place; Elijah is time. Elijah is the mountain, Miriam is the sea. The water of Miriam rises from the earth, the fire of Elijah descends from the sky. Together they are the circle of sunlight and rain, not separate or dissimilar, for both are needed for growth. We must have consciousness of both in order to be free.

To conclude the ritual, mix a little of the water with the wine and a little of the wine with the water, to mix the spirits of Elijah and Miriam.

Mah lemaalah kach lemata. Kein yehi ratzon.
As above, so below. May this be the Divine will.

Source: Rabbi Jill Hammer is the founder of Tel Shemesh and the author of Sisters at Sinai: New Tales of Biblical Women.

haggadah Section: Conclusion
Source: Rabbi Jill Hammer