Ritual for Miriam's Cup and Elijah's Cup

Traditionally, Jews put a cup of Elijah, full of wine, on their Passover seder tables, and also open the door for Elijah near the end of the seder, in recognition of the Jewish legend that the prophet Elijah visits every seder table to announce the coming of redemption. Modern feminist Jews also put a cup of spring water on their seder tables to remember Miriam the prophet, for she danced at the Sea of Reeds to celebrate the Exodus, and a well of fresh water was said to follow her in the desert so that the Israelites always had water to drink. Where Elijah represents redemption and the movement of history, Miriam represents healing and renewal on the journey.

If possible, ask your guests to bring water and wine that are significant to them: water from a place they love, a bottle of wine or grape juice they have saved from a special event, etc.

At the beginning of the seder, before kiddush, Add water to Miriam's cup

Zot be’er Miriam,
kos mayim chayim.
Kumi be’er enu lah.

This is the well of Miriam,
the cup of living waters.
Rise up O well! Sing to her!”

Then add wine or juice to Elijah's cup:

" Hineh ani sholeach lachem
et eliyah hanavi
lifnei bo yom adonai

Behold, I send you
Elijah the prophet,
before the coming
of the day of the Eternal.”

Source: Rabbi Jill Hammer is the founder of Tel Shemesh and the author of Sisters at Sinai: New Tales of Biblical Women.


haggadah Section: Introduction
Source: Rabbi Jill Hammer