Filling Miriam's Cup follows the second cup of wine, before washing the hands. 
Miriam's cup is filled with water to symboliz

A Midrash teaches us that a miraculous well accompanied the Hebrews throughout their journey in the desert, given by God because of the merit of Miriam, the prophetess. Miriam’s optimism and faith also was a spiritual oasis, giving the Hebrews the confidence to overcome the hardships of the Exodus.

Like Miriam, Jewish women in all generations have been essential for the continuity of our people. As keepers of traditions in the home, women passed down songs and stories, rituals and recipes, from mother to daughter, from generation to generation.

Lift Miriam's cup and say:
Miriam, a prophetess, predicted the birth of her baby brother Moses, guarded him as he floated down the Nile, witnessed Pharaoh's daughter drawing him out of the river, and arranged for their own mother to care for the infant Moses. Miriam was over 80 when she kicked up her heels and led the women in joyous dancing, celebrating the Israelites' safe crossing of the Sea of Reeds in their escape from slavery in Egypt. A symbol of her special place in the life of the Jewish people was the miraculous “well” known as Miriam's Well that quenched the thirst of our people during their 40-year trek in the desert. We place on our Seder table this special Cup of Miriam - Kos Miriam-to remember this remarkable woman who was a prophetess, dancer, and guardian of our people.

haggadah Section: -- Ten Plagues