Welcome back. Now that we have washed our hands, let's take a moment to cleanse and clear our minds as well, so we can engage fully in tonight's ritual.

First, I invite you to look around you. What are five things you can see? Notice things you hadn’t noticed before. Maybe the flickering of the candlelight, or a knick-knack in the room, or a shadow on the wall. 

Now, close your eyes. Bring your awareness to four things that you can feel. Maybe you can feel the pressure of your feet on the floor, your shirt resting on your shoulders, or the temperature on your skin.

Now, take a moment to note three things that you can hear. Notice all the background sounds you had been filtering out, such as birds chirping, or your neighbors moving around next door, or cars on the street.

Take a deep breath. What are two things that you can smell?

Lastly, notice one thing that you can taste. You can take a sip of a drink, simply notice how your mouth tastes, or even “taste” the air to see how it feels on your tongue.

Now, let us begin.

haggadah Section: Urchatz
Source: TherapistAid.com