Mi Shebeirach

Mi Shebeirach is not a traditional passover blessing. Nonetheless, we'd like to once again begin with a Mi Shebeirach, and hold in our minds all those around the world who are dealing with Covid, and our strongest wishes for their care and recovery.


Mi Sheberach/ Avoteinu Avraham Yitzhak v’Yaakov/ v’Imoteinu Sarah Rivka Rochel v’Leah

Hu yivarech v’irapei/ HaKadosh Baruch Hu/ Yimalei rachamim alav

l’hahalimo u l’rap oto/ l’hachaziko u l’chay oto

v’yishlach lo r’fua shlemah/ r’fuat hanefesh u r’fuat hagoof

b’toch sh’ar cholei Yisrael v’cholei yoshvei tevel/ hashta ba’agalah u-vizman kariv

v’ no-mar, Amein


May the one who blessed our ancestors/ God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob/ God of Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel, and Leah

Bless and heal those who are ill/ May the Blessed Holy One/ Be filled with compassion

For their health to be restored/ and their strength to be revived.

May God swiftly send them a complete renewal/ Of body and of spirit

And let us say, Amen.

haggadah Section: Introduction