This is the first time we ‘officially’ eat Matzah - the most recognizable symbol of Passover . Traditionally, during Passover, Jews eat Matzah, and abstain from eating foods that are ‘Chametz,’ for seven to eight days. Chametz refers to any foods that have puffed up, or risen. We avoid those foods to remind us of the Israelite’s flight to freedom, when their bread dough did not have time to rise as they escaped Egypt in haste. We can also interpret this swelling up metaphorically. Matzah reminds us that as free people, we must not to get too puffed with self-importance, and remember our humble place in the world order. Matzah also reminds us that it is important not to let our lives swell up with overconsumption, and embrace the beauty in simplicity. On Passover, we are reminded to try to manage our desire for everything bigger and better and cut back, to simplify our lives. Can we drive less? Walk more? Seek out how to use renewable resources? Recycle instead of buying the latest and greatest of everything? As we remove bread from our table, for at least one night, let us resolve ourselves to be more thoughtful about the choices we make for our own comfort and convenience. Our wasteful lifestyles have an impact not only on the future, but also the present for countless people far removed from our day to day, already suffering the consequences of our modern excesses.

haggadah Section: Motzi-Matzah