We ask the Four Questions every year, and every year our Haggadot provide us with the answers. There are many questions, however, that do not have easy answers provided to us. The point of the Four Questions is not to ask  those  specific four questions, but to encourage questioning. Free people ask questions. So in the spirit of being free and honoring our duty to ask questions and pursue liberation for others as we celebrate our own, we ask Mazon's Fifth Question:

"Why do we allow people who are struggling to be shamed?"

This question calls to mind those who are ashamed to live in hunger, the shame of migrants seeking solace, the shame of those in poverty throughout our country. This question puts the responsibility on each of us, reminding us of our Jewish duties: Tikun olam (repairing our world) and tzedek tzedek tirdof (justice, justice you shall pursue). Now, please briefly reflect by discussing answers to the question or solutions to the problem.

haggadah Section: -- Four Questions