Maror--The Bitter Herb Reader

Maror--Why do we eat maror?

Tradition says that this root is to remind us of the time of our slavery. We force ourselves to taste pain so that we may more readily value pleasure.

Scholars inform us that bitter herbs were eaten at the Spring festival in ancient times. The sharpness of the taste awakened the senses and made the people feel at one with nature's revival. Thus, maror is the stimulus of life, reminding us that struggle is better than the complacent acceptance of injustice.

Let us all now take bitter herb and eat it.


Bee m'kom she'ayn ana-shim

Hish-ta-dayl l'hiyot ish

Bee m'kom she'ayn ana-shim

Hish-ta-dayl l'hiyot ish

Where people are less than human,

Strive to be human. 

haggadah Section: Maror