In magid, we get to the topic of the makot, or the 10 plagues. The Makot were the punishments for the Egyptians after enslaving the Jews and torturing them. These plagues include the plagues of blood, frogs, lice, wild animals, pestilence, boils, hail, locust, darkness, and first borns. Each plague had a specific reasoning. The first 9 plagues only hardened Pharaoh's heart, but after the final one, he let the Jews free. 

A separate thought: Right now, we are going through our own plague, which makes us feel bad for the Egyptians, but we also must realize that the Egyptians were terrible to the Jews, and that without the makot, we would still be slaves in Egypt. 

Many people today doubt that miracles, like the makot, ever happened. They say “I don't believe in miracles” or “miracles aren't scientifically possible”, but really, through a spiritual level, they are possible, and the makot prove that. Each plague shows that spirituality, and belief in Hashem, can be greater than science or nature. The first plague, blood, affects water, which is a part of the natural world, just like the following makot. The second plague affects frogs, the third plague involves tiny bugs that infested the dirt, the fourth involves animals, as does the fifth, the sixth affected human beings, the seventh came from the sky, as did the eighth , and the ninth affected the sun and moon, which help us with the basic systems of life. Finally, the tenth makah, the one that made Pharaoh finally let the Jews free, affected the soul, which is higher than anything in nature. The makot are proof that spirituality, and belief in god, are higher than anything in nature. 


haggadah Section: -- Ten Plagues