Uncover the matzot

This is the bread of our poverty, which our ancestors ate in the land of Egypt.  Let all who are hungry come and eat.  Let all who are in need come and celebrate Pesach.  Now we are here - next year in the land of Israel.  Now we are slaves.  Next year we will be free.

As we invite all who are hungry, we symbolically include all who are oppressed throughout the world.

May it be your will, Eternal One our God and God of our ancestors, that just as you took the Israelites from among the Egyptians and led them through the sea, so may you have mercy on those among the House of Israel and among all peoples (especially . . .) who are distressed and oppressed, whether on land or sea.  Save them and take them from the narrow straits to abundant favor, from darkness to light, and from enslavement to redemption, speedily in our days and let us say:  Amen.

haggadah Section: Maggid - Beginning
Source: A Night of Questions: A Passover Haggadah