We have brachot before performing many mitzvos; shaking lulav, Halel, etc. Why do we have no bracha before the mitzvah of Zechirat Yetziat Mitzrayim?

1) there is no limit to the performance of this mitzvah

2) Because this mitzvah is a part of the daily mitzvah of remembering the Exodus (Rambam), then perhaps mitzvos which are not based in action, but rather remembering with words, do not have a bracha.

3) There is a rule that we don’t make brachos on mitzvos that are between man and man. Perhaps the mitzvah of recounting the Exodus also has an aspect of bein adam lechavero, for the obligation is ‘to tell your child..’ – you have an obligation to your child to let him know of our true roots and our true history and the miracles and kindness HaShem did for us.

haggadah Section: Maggid - Beginning