As we rejoice at our deliverance from slavery, we acknowledge that our freedom came at the cost of the Egyptians’ misery. We dip a finger or a spoon into our glass to take out a drop of juice as we say the name of each plague. We do this to reduce our pleasure as we remember the suffering of the Egyptians.

BLOOD / dam        FROGS / tzfardeiya        LICE / kinim             BEASTS / arov          CATTLE DISEASE / dever   BOILS / sh’chin              HAIL / barad               LOCUSTS / arbeh              DARKNESS / choshech 
DEATH OF THE FIRSTBORN / makat b’chorot

Pharaoh, blinded by his stubbornness, ignored the suffering of his own people as the plagues continued. Only when his own son died – the most personal, devastating blow yet – did he finally end the pain of all Egyptians. One of the most difficult parts of recovery is realizing who suffered while you were blinded by a substance. Take this moment to think of those in your life who may have gone through plagues before you were ready to recover. Alternatively, if you are suffering at the expense of someone else’s use, how are you, like the Egyptians, coping with the plagues while having to carry on with your day-to-day activities?

haggadah Section: -- Ten Plagues