Abraham, the first Jew, came from a family of idol worshippers. He broke with their tradition and chose to believe in the One God, who promised him and his wife, Sarah, that their descendants would be as numerous as the sands on the seashore and the stars in the sky. God renewed this promise with their son, Isaac, and his wife, Rebekah, and with their son, Jacob, and his wives, Rachel and Leah.

God led Abraham and Sarah across the river Euphrates to the land of Israel (then called Canaan).


L'chi lach,

to a land that I will show you

Leich l'cha,

to a place you do not know

L'chi lach,

on your journey I will bless you

And you shall be a blessing (3x)

L'chi lach.


L'chi lach,

and I shall make your name great

Leich l'cha,

and all shall praise your name

L'chi lach,

to the place that I will show you

L'simchat chayim (3x)

L'chi lach.


And you shall be a blessing (3x)

L'chi lach.

Their numbers grew, and they prospered. But many years later, during a time of famine, their descendants left Canaan and went down to Egypt, where there was water and food to spare. Jacob's son, Joseph, was trusted advisor to Pharaoh. As a result, his family was invited to settle in the area called Goshen. They lived there peacefully, until Joseph died and a new Pharaoh came to rule.

This Pharaoh made the Israelites slaves. He afflicted us and imposed heavy labor upon us. Our suffering was so great that we called to God for help. God heard our cry, God remembered the convenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Godsaw our plight, misery and oppression, and God knew. Then God took us out of Egypt with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm, with awesome power, signs and wonders.

But no liberation is easy, no redemption without pain. Our joy in being able to leave Egypt is diminished when we remember that the Egyptians, who are also God's children, suffered many plagues before Pharaoh agreed to let our people go.

Our rabbis taught: when the Egyptian army was drowning in the sea, the angles broke out in songs of jubilation. God silenced them and said: "My creatures are perishing, and you sign praises?" Our cup of joy is lessened as we spill a drop of wine for each of the ten plagues.

haggadah Section: -- Exodus Story
Source: MRT