Maggid! Story Time....

What in this world is better than hearing the same story that we've heard for 20+ years?  Everything. BUT at least we know why its called a "haggadah" which means "telling".  

I know you're starting to smell those boiling potatoes from the kitchen, but just wait, we'll get there!  First we have to read about the 4 sons.  

In case people are already drunk and or a little lost on the story that's about to be told: The Haggadah is two narratives bundled together, each of which (like any good story) has a distressing beginning and a happy ending. The central narrative is the story of the Exodus: how at first we were slaves to Pharaoh in Egypt and then god took us out with a Mighty Hand. The larger story is how in the beginning, our ancestors were idol-worshippers and then god brought us to Him, to His service.

On the bright side of Maggid we get to pour Cup #2 of wine!! We're going to need it to ease that stagefright we all have approaching the singing of "Ma Nishtana".  

After we finish all the story, it'll be time to down Cup #2!!! And again, if you are not already leaning over from the wine, it's time to lean to the left!

haggadah Section: Maggid - Beginning