Year after year we are obligated to tell the story of the departure from Mitzrayim (Egypt).   We are obligated to tell the story of our slavery and our redemption from slavery.  We are obligated to talk about being and doing and them trusting in unexplainable realities.  We are obligated to tell it as often as we can, because each year, as we live our lives day-by-day, the internal reality from within which we view the world changes. And as our internal reality changes, we see the concept of "slavery" differently. By telling and retelling the story, we create a linked-chain back through the ages, all the way back to our ancestors who physically left the oppression of Egypt.

Today we are free, although we still consider ourselves slaves.  We are free to question, to live, to love and to prosper.  But we are still waiting for Moshiach (The Jewish Messiah) to bring us back to Israel, only then will we truly be free.

haggadah Section: Maggid - Beginning