These are important questions. But before we answer them, let us listen to a story of Jewish hope. The tale of our people'sfirst quest for freedom from slavery in Egypt was written so long ago that no one knows how much of it is fact and how much is fiction. Like all good stories, however, we can learn from the lessons it teaches.

It is written that long ago, during a time of famine, the ancient Israelites traveled to Egypt. According to this legend, the Israelites at that time were all in a single family – Jacob and his children. One of Jacob's sons was Joseph, whose wisdom caused the Pharaoh – the ruler of Egypt – to make him a leader over all the people of Egypt.

But as time passed, another Pharaoh became the ruler of Egypt. He did not remember about Joseph and his wise leadership. This new Pharaoh turned the Israelites into slaves, and burdened them with heavy work and sorrow.

After the Israelites were in Egypt for over 400 years, a man arose among them. He demanded that Pharaoh let his people go! Many times he risked his life to insist on the freedom of his people, until he finally succeeded.

At our Passover Seder, we celebrate the story of Moses and the people he led out of slavery 3000 years ago. We celebrate the struggle of all people to be free. Throughout the centuries, the story of Moses and the exodus from Egypt has inspired Jews and non-Jews in time of persecution and hardship.

Let us remember that the thirst for freedom exists in all people. Many centuries after the time of Moses, African people were brought to America as slaves. These slaves longed for freedom, and they were inspired by the story of Moses and the ancient Israelites. When the Black slaves in America sang "Go Down Moses," they were thinking of their own leaders who were working to end slavery. Let us sing that beautiful song.


When Israel was in Egypt land,

Let my people go!

Oppressed so hard they could not stand,

Let my people go!


Go down Moses,

Way down in Egypt land,

Tell old Pharaoh

To let my people go.

When Moses took them from their toil,

Let my people go!

He led them all to freedom's soil

Let my people go!

The freedom we celebrate tonight is not only freedom from slavery. It is also the freedom to live in peace, with dignity and with hope for a bright future. This constant vision has inspired the Jewish people since the ancient times recorded in the Bible.

For many centuries, most Jews lived outside of the land of Israel - from Europe toNorthAfrica to India, where they were often persecuted. Their lives were very hard.

There came a time when many Jewish families heard of a place called America, where they could live without fear. This was the promise that America held out to them and to many other suffering people.

By the thousands, and then by the millions, year after year they crossed a large ocean, enduring the dangers of that long voyage before reaching the shores of America.

Even then for a time they suffered from poverty and homelessness, but because of their perseverance, courage, and skills, they [we] are here tonight celebrating this festival of freedom in a free land.

This evening, as we celebrate this [our own] freedom let us take notice of the struggles toward freedom in many other parts of the world. Let us celebrate all these struggles with our freedom song,


Kheh-root, kheh-root l-yis-ra-el,

Kheh-root, kheh root la-a-dam.

Kheh-root, kheh root l-yis-ra-el,

Kheh-root, kheh-root la-o-lam.

Freedom for Israel.

Freedom for humankind.

Freedom for the whole world.

haggadah Section: -- Exodus Story