Once upon a time in the Land of Egypt,
A ruler named Pharaoh
Made the Jews work very hard.

We worked all day,
We worked all night,
We had no rest,
We knew it was not right.  (Children repeat, while stamping feet.)
(Children stand and pretend to be hammering stone and digging hard ground.)

Bang Bang (listen on Spotify)
Bang, bang, bang, hold your hammer low.
Bang, bang, bang, give a heavy blow.
For it's work, work, work, every day and every night.
For it's work, work, work, when it's dark and when it's light.
Dig, dig, dig, dig your shovels deep.
Dig, dig, dig, there's no time for sleep.
For it's work, work, work, every day and every night.
For it's work, work, work, when it's dark and when it's light.
(Children are seated back at their places.)

Teva, Teva (Ark, Ark)
(Sung to the tune of "Twinkle, Twinkle")
Teva, teva Moses lay
In a teva lined with hay.
Down the River Nile he sailed,
Found by a princess who heard his wail.
(All children wail)
Teva, teva Moses lay in a teva filled with hay.
There he stayed and learned and grew,
There he called home, but inside he knew,
Something more was going on,
He would have to find his real home.
Moses grew into a man,
And one day he ran and ran and ran.
He found himself in a strange new land.
He met some people who lent a helping hand.
Moses, Moses spoke with Adonai.
Moses, Moses would be our guy.


Who will save us? Who will help?
God heard our cry and made a plan.
One helper was needed to save God's clan.
Who will save us? Who will help? (Children repeat)

When Moses was born his mother did fear
That soldiers would take her child so dear.
So she made a plan to save her son,
And that's when we saw how God's work can get
done. (Children repeat)


Adult 3
One fine day, Moses climbed and climbed so high.
(Pretend to climb)
He thought that he actually could reach the sky.
There on the mountain was an awesome sight.
A bush stood burning with a radiant light.
(Reach hands upward, like rays)
It was God right there, right there in the bush.
It was God speaking to Moses. Oh my, how he shook!
(Everybody shake)
With fear and awe and confusion and might,
Moses understood he was starting a new time in his life.

haggadah Section: Maggid - Beginning