
Leader: The Maggid, which tells the story of Passover, begins with the four questions. It is tradition for the 4 youngest members in attendance to ask the four questions.

Next Participant: Why is this night different from all other nights? 

Everyone: This night is different from all other nights to remind us where we have been as a people, where were in the present, and where we would like to be in the future in the fight for freedom for all.

Next participant: On all other nights we eat leavened bread. Why on this night do we only eat Matzah?

Everyone: On this night we eat Matzah to remind us of the story of when Jews did not have time for their bread to rise when they were fleeing slavery.

Next Participant: On all other nights we eat many kinds of herbs, why on this night do we only eat bitter herbs?

Everyone: We eat bitter herbs as a reminder of the bitterness our ancestors felt, and the bitterness oppressed people still face today, in order that we may better appreciate our freedom

Next Participant: On all other nights we do not have to dip our herbs even once, on this night why do we dip them twice?

Everyone: We dip our karpas to remind us of the tears our ancesters cried in theri suffering. We dip the maror in the sweet Haroset to remember that even when we are sad, there is always hope for a happier time. 


haggadah Section: -- Four Questions