A Talmudic debate: 

Rabbi Ronald said: "Individuals at the seder must not fill their own cups. Having another fill one's cup symbolizes our freedom." 

Rabbi Emily asked: "What about during the coronavirus when, as a result of social distancing, individuals may be alone on passover and be 6 feet apart?"

Rabbi Christy answered: "Then it is permissable to fill one's own glass!" 

Rabbi Mitchell added: "It is indeed permissable; during coronavirus, all individuals are assumed to have lost their minds and therefore hearing voices. During a pandemic requiring lockdown, a voice that one hears other than one's own counts as a separate person and that person may fill the empty cup without transgressing. 

Pour the second glass of wine for yourself (add aditional cups of wine for as many extra voices inside your head).

haggadah Section: Maggid - Beginning