Lest They Increase Yet More

They have reason to worry because multiply we have - multiplied and we are the Other - African Latinx from the Far East South East and in between -
By way of Shanghai B’nei Anusim Cochin Jew Abhayudaya
Jewish by way of mother by way of father - a challenge  - Observant by way of secular parents - Baal Baalat Teshuvah Jew
By way of Sefarad - to the letter by way of Yosef Caro - by way of the Rema -
Strictly Halachic Jew - neither Sefardi neither Mizrachi - neither Ashkenazi neither Israeli -
Still a Diaspora Jew
I eat with my fingers - I dine with fine crystal
I have cheeks burning peach - ruddy roasted warm coffee desert mocha midnight blue black Jew 

Single mother empty-nester child queer straight shut-in transgender Morah Chazzan Jew - 

Pre-pubescent adolescent young adult new parent -
Post-doc Jew with learning variations - Torah - wielding Jew by Choice by biology childless - partnered married separated divorced widowed adopted single - 36 under 36 awesome - menopausal lay leader Jew
Left right center protesting Jew in the Pew Pew Report Jew -

Forever an immigrant forever Yisrael - forever wrestling honestly still proud to be a Jew

And yes, you’re very welcome - I’m a Person of Color I’m a Jew of Color - and I claim my space but I do get it - I have to justify my presence in almost every Jewish space
So where were we again? - Yes I am Jewish this is my name - I am not intermarried and I did not take his name - Yes, I am a convert - Yes I am a Rabbi - I am here just like you - Yes I am a Jew - So where were we again?
Now tell me all about you

haggadah Section: -- Exodus Story