The leader asks the questions. The whole company responds, each reading as fast as possible, in the effort to finish the answer first.

Who knows One?
I know One: One is the God of the World.

Who knows Two?
I know Two: Two Tables of the Covenant. One God of the World.

Who knows Three?
I know Three: Three Patriarchs; Two Tables of the Covenant; One God of the World.

Who knows Four?
I know Four: Four Mothers of Israel; Three Patriarchs; Two Tables of the Covenant; One God of the World.

Who knows Five?
I know Five: Five Books of Moses; Four Mothers of Israel; Three Patriarchs; Two Tables of the Covenant; One God of the World.

Who knows Six?
I know Six: Six Days of Creation; Five Books of Moses; Four Mothers of Israel; Three Patriarchs; Two Tables of the Covenant; One God of the World.

Who knows Seven?
I know Seven: Seven Days of the Week; Six Days of Creation; Five Books of Moses; Four Mothers of Israel; Three Patriarchs; Two Tables of the Covenant; One God of the World.

Who knows Eight?
I know Eight: Eight Lights of Ḥanukkah; Seven Days of the Week; Six Days of Creation; Five Books of Moses; Four Mothers of Israel; Three Patriarchs; Two Tables of the Covenant; One God of the World.

Who knows Nine?
I know Nine: Nine Festivals*; Eight Lights of Ḥanukkah; Seven Days of the Week; Six Days of Creation; Five Books of Moses; Four Mothers of Israel; Three Patriarchs; Two Tables of the Covenant; One God of the World.

Who knows Ten?
I know Ten: Ten Commandments; Nine Festivals; Eight Lights of Ḥanukkah; Seven Days of the Week; Six Days of Creation; Five Books of Moses; Four Mothers of Israel; Three Patriarchs; Two Tables of the Covenant; One God of the World.

Who knows Eleven?
I know Eleven: Eleven Stars in Joseph's Dream; Ten Commandments; Nine Festivals; Eight Lights of Ḥanukkah; Seven Days of the Week; Six Days of Creation; Five Books of Moses; Four Mothers of Israel; Three Patriarchs; Two Tables of the Covenant; One God of the World.

Who knows Twelve?
I know Twelve: Twelve Tribes; Eleven Stars; Ten Commandments; Nine Festivals; Eight Lights of Ḥanukkah; Seven Days of the Week; Six Days of Creation; Five Books of Moses; Four Mothers of Israel; Three Patriarchs; Two Tables of the Covenant; One God of the World.

Who knows Thirteen?
I know Thirteen: Thirteen Attributes of God (Exodus XXXIV: 6-7); Twelve Tribes; Eleven Stars; Ten Commandments; Nine Festivals; Eight Lights of Ḥanukkah; Seven Days of the Week; Six Days of Creation; Five Books of Moses; Four Mothers of Israel; Three Patriarchs; Two Tables of the Covenant; One God of the World.


*The nine Jewish festivals are: 1. Pesaḥ (Passover), 2. Shabuoth (Feast of Weeks, or Pentecost) 3. Rosh Hashanah (New Year) 4. Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) 5. Succoth (Feast of Tabernacles) 6. Sh’mini Atzereth (Eighth Day of Solemn Assembly) 7. Simḥath Torah (Rejoicing in the Law), 8. Ḥanukkah (Feast of Dedication or Feast of Lights) 9. Purim (Feast of Lots)

haggadah Section: Commentary / Readings
Source: The Union Haggadah, ed. by The Central Council of American Rabbis, at