When we sense with radical amazement this spring awakening we will reengage both the fight for the planet and the fight for humanity.

We understand that a more responsible environmental policy in general, and a drastically more disciplined energy program in particular, is called for to insure that  “so long as the Earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease.”  (Genesis 8:22)

During Passover, with close proximity to Earth Day, a discussion on the perils of ignoring energy conservation and the spiraling consequences of climate change as a series of modern day plagues can be provocative. So too can an exploration of our personal enslavements to habit and inertia, coupled with the entrenched indifference and hostility of modern day bureaucracies that echo Pharaoh’s insecurities and hardened heart.

Signing on to an energy covenant as a family and as an institution becomes an ethical imperative and a sacred task. Passover shows the way — the reawakening of the Earth to new life, the reawakening of our spirit to new possibilities, the transformative recognition of self-empowerment — for we stand on holy ground…and our name is called.

haggadah Section: Karpas
Source: http://multi.jewishpublicaffairs.org/coejl/resources/passover-the-four-signs-of-climate-change-action/